July 5, 2022

An address from the Student Council of the University of Iceland to newly elected municipal councillors of the capital area.

The Student Council of the University of Iceland has sent all newly elected municipal councillors in the capitol area an address (only available in Icelandic) that calls for increased efforts when it comes to matters of students‘ interests in their coming term.

The municipal council holds the deciding power in several areas that touch on students‘ interests, such as environmental-, transport- and housing matters and a large portion of students live in municipalities that fall under the capitol area.

The address lists the Students Councils main emphases in these matters along with suggested action plans for the municipal council. The majority of these suggestions feature simple changes that can be made for the clear betterment of students‘ interests, as well as other societal groups, rather than a complete overhaul of existing systems. A large portion of these suggestions should therefore be easily implementable at no great additional cost to officials.

Societal changes for the better, that take into account the various groups that make up our society, require political will. The Student Council challenges our newly elected officials to see this political will through in their work in implementing these ideas in the interest of students.


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